Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday's experts

Well, one can make one of two assumptions from my tardiness in getting to share my thoughts re Friday nights activities. Either I have been ensconced in lovers heaven with a charming intelligent and balanced man or I have been back in the swing of things wondering how the hell I could possibly make 'nothing to report' (NTR) sound interesting.

Whilst I had a fun night with my friends, I'd have to say that the brief time spent in a super cool venue where you can hardly hear, much less see does not fill me with much confidence that this is the way to go about meeting Mr GE. One is more likely to come across Mr Bloody Awful, Mr I've Got No Backbone, or Mr I Just Got Engaged But Can I Facebook You Please As My Fiance is Out of the Country. I am not sure what's worse. The offer to 'facebook' or the comment that I looked like I wasn't in my twenties. Oh, come ON! Use your imagination, boyfriend!

That said, it did provide an ideal opportunity to practice 'the Rules' although at times I felt myself borderline channelling my inner alpha male and wanting to 'fix' stuff so we could just move on. I mean how long does it take a full grown adult male to ask a women for her number. Technically, about 34 seconds. Practically, well, it's indeterminate. I did manage to shut out the voices urging me to take over, aided in large part by the the music (none of which was recognisable, verifying beyond doubt that I am no longer in my twenties). And let me just say, that it wasn't even my number they were after; it was that of my friends. It confirmed for me that my list of specs for a guy could be condensed to a very few traits, one of which would have to be confidence.

So, as far as going back to the video, I don't think there's any need for last week's game. In summary, a solid performance (I actually got there) that leaves plenty of space for improvement.

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